Author: admin
International Law, Transitional Justice and War Crimes Tribunals
Integrity and Ethics in the Real World
Labor Moot Court Team
Emerging Hawai’i Water Issues
Students who participate actively in this course will: (1) acquire substantive knowledge and practice legal training in a vital area of Native Hawaiian and environemental law; (2) gain advanced insight into the realities of the adjudicatory process and strategic litigation, applicable to all types of public interest, Native Hawaiian, and environmental litigation; (3) learn about… Continue reading Emerging Hawai’i Water Issues
International Environmental Law
Hispanic Law Student
Intellectual Property
International Environmental Law
Scholarly Research Methods
The principal purpose of this course is to help you to plan the prewriting process for scholarly assignments that you will encounter in Second Year Seminary (SYS), in co-curricular endeavors such as law review and moot court competitions, and in any course or experiential activity involving a scholarly approach to research and writing.