
J-Term Spring 2014: This course is designed to teach students the fundamental doctrines of refugee and asylum law—i.e. the way nation-states receive and care for innocent victims of larger man-made or natural disasters that cause millions of people to seek refuge in other states.  The course will introduce students to basic concepts in Humanitarian law,… Continue reading J-Term

Conflicts of Law

The course, which is often called “private international law,” involves examination and analysis of rules, approaches, and policies that determine which law, substantive and procedural, applies to transactions and events that touch more than one state, nation, or other jurisdiction. The central focus for study is “choice of law,” but other areas include recognition of… Continue reading Conflicts of Law

Current Civil Rights Issues

This course uses the current United States Supreme Court docket to engage in an in-depth study of vital contemporary and statutory rights claims in the area of civil rights and civil liberties law.

Health Law: Bioethics

Introduction to health care jurisprudence and the  study of bioethics, a term used generally to describe ethical issues in the life sciences as applied in professional fields, including medicine, nursing, philosophy, theology and law.

Group Directed Study

Offerings have included Feminist Legal Theory, Chinese Law (in Chinese), and Civil Disobedience.

Advanced Torts and Insurance Law

The first half of this course engages students in an advanced examination of tort law and policy. The second half of the course provides an introduction to insurance law and policy. Tort law subjects typically include statutes of limitation, business torts, medical malpractice, products liability, apportionment and contribution, and defamation, among others. Insurance law introduces… Continue reading Advanced Torts and Insurance Law